Seacoast Detachment Officers

Officer of Marine Corps League with white button up shirt, black tie, and red hat with a holiday wreath behind him.


Dick Lak

Officer of Marine Corps League with white button up shirt, black tie, and red hat with a holiday wreath behind him.

Sr. Vice Commandant

Brad Howe

Officer of Marine Corps League with white button up shirt, black tie, and red hat with a holiday wreath behind him.

Jr. Vice Commandant

John Flagler

Officer of Marine Corps League with white button up shirt, black tie, and red hat with a holiday wreath behind him.

Judge Advocate

Ken Mitchell

Officer of Marine Corps League with white button up shirt, black tie, and red hat with a holiday wreath behind him.


Randy McNally

Officer of Marine Corps League with white button up shirt, black tie, and red hat with a holiday wreath behind him.


George Lombardi

Officer of Marine Corps League with white button up shirt, black tie, and red hat with a holiday wreath behind him.


George Dow

logo of Seacoast Marine Corps League Detachment 394 - contact information page


Vacant – TBD

Quarter Master

Dennis Pomper

Officer of Marine Corps League with white button up shirt, black tie, and red hat with a holiday wreath behind him.

Jr. Past Commandant 

Bob Niver