Win a Scholarship from MCL Seacoast Detachment #394 and be entered into other Marine Corp League scholarship competitions.

Mandatory Eligibility Requirements:

1.  Applicant is an immediate family member surviving the death of a United States Marine killed in the line of duty; or

2.   Applicant is a member in good standing in the Marine Corps League or is an Honorably Discharged Marine presently undergoing prescribed rehabilitation in a program not provided by any U.S. Government Agency; or

3.  Applicant, as a member of the JROTC at Winnacunnet High School, has been selected by the OIC/NCOIC of the unit to be eligible to receive a Marine Corps Scholarship; or

4.  Applicant is an immediate family relative of the member in good standing in the Marine Corps League, Detachment #394.

Submission Deadlines & Details:  

This application, including mandatory documentation, information, and written material, shall be post-marked no later than the 31st day of May 2025.
Applicant is herein informed that eligibility and compliance is solely determined by the Marine Corps League, Detachment #394 Scholarship Committee; the decision of said Committee is final.  Applicant will be notified of Award or Non-Award by the Committee Chairman on or before the 31st day of July 2025.  Applicants granted an award shall personally receive the state amount in the form of a bank check no later than the 31st day of August 2025.

For High School, College, Adult & Trade Institution Students!

A minimum GPA of 3.0-4.0 is required.


(1) Certified Transcript: A certified copy of applicant’s high school transcript and;
(2) Acceptance Letter: Written proof applicant has been accepted to the college/ technical institute identified above.
(3) Personal Statement: High school applicant shall include a brief personal letter (not to exceed three pages) outlining their academic achievements, honors, community service, and higher education goals.
(4) Letter of Recommendation: A recommendation letter from a teacher or school official should be included. 


(1) Certified Transcript: A certified copy of applicant’s high school transcript and;
(2) Proof of Enrollment Status: Written proof of enrollment status provided by the college/ technical institute identified .
(3) Personal Statement: High school applicant shall include a brief personal letter (not to exceed three pages) outlining their academic achievements, honors, community service, and higher education goals.