WHO Detachment members who want to promote the Ideals of the Marine Corps League, collect donations, hand out brochures, recruit new members, provide vet outreach, hand out flags, etc.
WHAT Chester, NH community fair
WHEN Sunday, 23 June 2024, 0900 – 1530.
WHERE Busche Academy grounds, 40 Chester St. Chester, NH:
WHY To promote Marine Corps League membership, patriotism, collect donations, interact with the community, provide veteran outreach.
SITUATION On order assemble a recruiting/outreach team of Detachment members to assemble at a local community fair to promote the Seacoast Detachment #394, Marine Corps League and collect donations to further our Detachment’s outreach.
MISSION Present our Detachment, the Marine Corps League and Patriotism in a positive light encouraging interested individuals to make an investment in promoting the ideals of the Marine Corps League while also providing veteran outreach and collecting donations to promote our goals.
EXECUTION Assemble at the Assembly Area (40 Chester St., Chester, NH) at 0900 on Sunday, 23 June; set up Detachment booth to include Detachment event tent, chairs, tables, handouts, refreshments (i.e. water/snacks); participate in the outdoor fair answering questions from attendees; assist with the take down of Detachment equipment at the conclusion of the fair.
ADMIN AND LOGISTICS Uniform is the Marine Corps League Summer uniform, our casual uniform that is spelled out in our bylaws or civilian attire that includes Marine Corps/League apparel. Provide event tent, tables and chairs, handout material, refreshments, etc. Arrive at the Assembly Area in enough time to get set up and discuss strategy for engaging the public. Provide name to Event coordinator, Adj Geoff Corson via email ( or cell (757.672.0208) NLT 14 June 2024 (Flag Day).
COMMAND AND SIGNAL Commands will be by voice, email or phone. Point of main effort is American Legion Post 108 and the town of Chester. Overall command is Detachment Commandant Dick Lak (
Semper Fidelis,
G.A. Corson (Geoff)
Seacoast Detachment #394
Marine Corps League
Cell: 757.672.0208