Members of the Marine Corps League join together in camaraderie and fellowship for the purpose of preserving the traditions and promoting the interests of the United States Marine Corps, banding together those who are now serving in the United States Marine Corps and those who have been honorably discharged from that service that they may effectively promote the ideals of American freedom and democracy, voluntarily aiding and rendering assistance to all Marines, FMF Corpsmen and former Marines and FMF Corpsmen and to their widows and orphans; and to perpetuate the history of the United States Marine Corps and by fitting acts to observe the anniversaries of historical occasions of particular interest to Marines.
Seacoast Detachment #394 is Proud to be a Part of Pease Greeters
It is an honor and privilege for the Pease Greeters to welcome and care for our Troops, Department of Defense employees and the Civilian Contractors and occasionally working Military Dogs as they return or deploy through Portsmouth International Airport at Pease located in Portsmouth, NH. The Pease Greeters organization has been a registered Non Profit in New Hampshire since 2005. For more information please click the image the left.
Honors Detail
Marine Corps League, Seacoast Detachment #394 would be honored to provide your loved one with military funeral honors.
Our Detachment can and will provide either one or all of the below listed honors:
- Order for Religious Funeral Services that is done in conjunction with a funeral service, memorial service, viewing, etc.
- The Detachment does not provide clergy.
- At the cemetery the Detachment performs another brief honors ceremony in conjunction with or additive to clergy’s formal proceedings.
- A firing detail/rifle salute of up to 7 Marine Corps League members that is done in conjunction with a flag folding/presentation detail that is normally performed by active duty Marines in full dress uniform.
- This also includes playing of taps on a bugle.
- If Active Duty personnel are not available, Marine Corps League members can and will provide a flag folding ceremony as well as the rifle salute.
Of note, our Detachment willingly and dutifully performs these ceremonies to honor as many of our Marine and Navy (includes those who served with the Marine Corps as Chaplains or Corpsmen) veterans that we can. Although all honorably discharged veterans are guaranteed funeral honors (i.e. flag folding/presentation/playing of taps) from the respective Services of the deceased, these “guaranteed” honors do not include those listed above that are available exclusively from the Marine Corps League.
If you would like to request an honors detail for your loved ones services as listed above, please click the button below and fill out the Honors Detail Request form.
Once A Marine, Always A Marine
The Seacoast Marines make an indelible mark on New England where they started Pease Greeters, maintain monuments and help military families of all ranks and branches on the seacoast for over 75 years.
Our Charter
“The Portsmouth Periscope” Article 10 June 1977

Celebrating over 75 Years of service to Marines & our military family community here on the seacoast!
The Marine Corps League, enacted by an act of Congress in 1937, perpetuates the traditions and spirit of ALL Marines, Navy FMF Corpsmen and U.S. Navy Chaplains, who proudly wear or who have worn the eagle, globe and anchor of the Corps. The Seacoast Detachment of the Marine Corps League was initially founded at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in 1948 as the Ranger Detachment, named after the first USS RANGER built at Portsmouth in 1777 and initially skippered by John Paul Jones.
In 2006 the Detachment moved to a NH location and was re-designated as the Seacoast Detachment. It consists of Marines and FMF Sailors from the NH Seacoast and York County, ME. In addition to monthly meetings, we get together for Wednesday morning casual breakfasts; a summer picnic; firing details for Memorial Day, Veterans Day and funerals of Navy and Marine Corps veterans; sponsor scholarships; provide veterans outreach and of course celebrate the Marine Corps Birthday each November.
Our Meeting Place
2nd Floor
American Legion Frank E. Booma Post 6
96 Islington St.
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Guests Welcomed
Committee Meetings 1800 HRS
General Assembly 1900 HRS
The Commandant
Marine Corps League
Detachment #394
PO Box 690
Kittery, ME 03904-0690