All Hands, The following invitation is for all members and guests of the Seacoast Detachment and Department of NH Marine Corps League (DNHMCL) for a celebration of the Corps' 249th Birthday: WHO: Seacoast Det #394 and DNHMCL members and guests. WHAT: A celebration of our Corps' 249th Birthday. Cocktails, Appetizers, dinner, cake cutting, birthday rituals […]
Please join us for the Seacoast Detachment monthly membership meeting where we discuss upcoming events and the running of the organization. Join us and share your ideas, we would love to hear them. Installation of Detachment Officers
“Together We Served luncheon” @ 1130 @ Strafford Farms, Dover, NH U.S. Marine Corps, New Hampshire & Southern Maine will have their next monthly meeting on 13 Nov 2024. All Marines, FMF. Navy Corpsmen, and Chaplains and Spouses are welcome "Membership is Free". Time for the Gathering of Gyrene's 1130 on the second Wednesday […]
Luncheon at Trinity Episcopal Church @1130, High St., Hampton, NH in support of Building Bridges ( o Sign up in advance is required. o Luncheon will replace morning breakfast get together for that day.